
The Nottingham duo Sleaford Mods, consisting of vocalist and lyricist Jason Williamson and musician Andrew Robert Lindsay Fearn (who joined in 2012), is the musical group best capturing the raw emotions of the most disenchanted working class in the UK, using post-punk as their flag and delivering nihilistic and furious catharses. They produce genuinely British rap, devoid of vacuity, straight from the streets. As Wire wrote in their review of the album “Key Markets” (2015), “many bands excited by punk’s initial promise have done little more than dance around its corpse. Sleaford Mods have managed to animate its ghost.” Or as Clash Music put it, “Sleaford Mods perfectly and effortlessly express what it feels like to live in 21st-century Britain, and from here on, they can only get bigger.”

Initially called That’s Shit, Try Harder and then Sleaford, the duo’s early days saw Williamson partnering with Simon Parfrement. Together, they created the first five albums, from their self-titled debut in 2007 to “Wank” (2012). After that, Parfrement left the musical production to Fearn, leading to six more studio LPs: “Austerity Dog” (2013), “Divide And Exit” (2014), the aforementioned “Key Markets,” “English Tapas” (2017), “Eton Alive” (2019), and “Spare Ribs” (2019)—the latter reaching the Top 5 of the UK charts and featuring a collaboration with Billy Nomates on the track “Mork n Mindy.”

In addition to these, there’s the live album “Live At S036” (2016), two EPs in 2014, “Tiswas” and “Fizzy,” one in 2016, “T.C.R.,” and another self-titled EP released in mid-2018.

Finally, their latest album, “UK Grim,” was released in March 2023, with the lead single, the biting dance-punk track that shares its title, dropped in January.